Sign in/ Log in class="head_mail" href="mailto:uh!pont!bedinu!kukac!letohsupmac">uh!pont!bedinu!kukac!letohsupmacKassai Street 26. Debrecen H-4028
Home Prospectus


Dear Dormitory Resident,
Welcome to the resident community of Campus Hotel. This rather straightforward, still useful compilation below describes the main rules of life at the Campus as a dormitory resident. It is not meant to scare away residents from any activity, though it is recommended to be consulted from time to time. You will see it is something that is worth a read! You are likely to find novelties even if you are an experienced Campus resident. By signing your agreement at the time of check-in, you have made a commitment to abide by the rules and regulations set out in this information.
The staff of Campus Hotel wishes you pleasant and meaningful time during your stay as a dormitory resident.
By signing the room inventory at the time of check-in and recording the conditions in the room, the residents of the room take full responsibility for the unit. To put it simply, any resident of the room can be obliged to pay for any damage caused.  This rule will be particularly important for the last person to move out at the end of the academic year, as this resident of the room will be present at the return of the room to account for the inventory and existing conditions.
The Campus Hotel was built 19 years ago. Due to normal wear – even with careful maintenance – there may be minor aesthetic deficiencies in the residential units. Therefore, devices most exposed to damage are classified, and the results of such classification are indicated in the room inventory form. We hope it will facilitate the resolution of any dispute for both parties. In addition, any comments should be indicated in the room inventory form at the time of check-in. Futhermore, we are providing a damage record form for every room at the time of check-in on which the residents can indicate further deficiency, or damage that they not caused. Therefore we are asking our residents to look through the whole room in the following 1-2 days after the check-in, record every comment needed on the mentioned form and than hand it in to Housekeeping (Office B109), or one of the Receptions. Any later complaints can only be accepted on the basis of such indication or communication, so please take the time to make your comments.
Compensation for damage. Such a situation may arise when the building or any items provided for personal use are not used for their intended purposes, and as a result the conditions of the object, device or room in question deteriorate beyond natural wear. 
As a general rule, in case of damage, the condition right before the damage must be restored.  If it can be solved by replacing a part, then the replacement of such a part shall be paid as compensation for damage. In certain cases, the damage may only be restored by the replacement or general overhaul of the device or object itself – then the amount of compensation will be larger, as well.
What is specifically meant here? Let's look at a few examples! A cooktop with food residues burnt on year-round usually cannot be cleaned without causing damage. The surface and paint finish will be scratched and damaged, so the housing needs to be replaced. Such damage can only be prevented by regular cleaning (after each use). Another example is when the residents of a room are caught regularly smoking in the room despite the smoking ban. In this case, no offense is meant by the operator of the Dormitory requesting a repaint for the room or payment for the costs of painting (you would not be happy to live in a room that smells of cigarette smoke, would you?) In case of compensation for damage where the original conditions cannot be restored, the damage caused must be paid. Any compensation for damage shall be calculated based on the depreciated or residual value. The most common items are published in the notice of the operator of the Dormitory.
The list applied compensation items is available on our website, or on the Receptions.
Please avoid storing items on top of the plastic refrigerator, with special regard to hot hair styling iron. Nail polish remover dissolves the cover and the painting, so avoid using it on the fridge.
Attaching items on the walls, doors and furniture (i.e. doors of wardrobes, protective borders on walls, shelves) of the dorm units, lobbies and the hallways with the use of any type of adhesives IS PROHIBITED. Scotch tapes, blue tack, super glue or other adhesives regarded to be harmless by students are no exceptions to this rule.  The picture in the frame on the wall of the room may be replaced, or you may hang a cork board in place of the picture. Please note that the currently prevailing conditions need to be restored at the time of the checkout. Students ignoring rules pertaining to decoration and the use of adhesives are obliged to assume liability for the related damage. We will not consider or test whether any damage is caused by the removal of adhesives, or any given object would be used by other persons at all, etc., but the factual occurrence of such acts will be sufficient for the application of sanctions!  Any proceeds from damages and penalties will be used for replacing damaged items.
Any shared devices, or objects placed in shared areas are also FORBIDDEN to be moved to the rooms, because it would prevent other users in the community from using them. In such case we will have to invoice the replacement costs to those affected (HUF 6.500/piece)!
Smoking is another crucial issue of cohabitation. Campus Hotel is a non-smoking building.
Smoking is only allowed outdoors, at a minimum distance of 5 meters from the entrance. Therefore, you may smoke on the terraces, but the protective distance must be observed. Please keep in mind that anyone violating the rules on smoking will face disciplinary actions without discretion.
A complex fire alarm system is installed in the building. The rooms are equipped with optical smoke detectors as parts of the fire alarm system.  The system is tamper-resistant, so please do not attempt to deactivate or remove it, as it is immediately signaled and logged by the system.  Manipulating or covering the smoke detector is prohibited according to the house rules of the Dormitory. If smoke is detected, the fire alarm system immediately alarms the Municipal Fire Department. Due to the size of the building, any alarm is considered a priority alarm, meaning that several fire trucks will be dispatched to the site. In case the fire safety rules (e.g. smoking beyond designated areas) are breached, the violator has to bear the costs of emergency response on the scene. In addition, the offender can anticipate fire protection fines. In extreme cases, the amount of the fine can be as weighty as one million Hungarian Forints (not a mistake!!!).  Another important aspect is that we are also compelled to initiate disciplinary actions against the violator. There are no excuses in case of willful act – action is taken upon the first violation. The same procedure applies for cases when a manual fire alarm installed in the hallways is activated (button pushed). In case of false alarm the extraordinary maintenance costs will be charged to the violator (HUF 5400/occasion).
In case fire is detected, actions have to be taken in conformance to the Fire Protection Regulations. Buzzers in the building go off to signal the detection of fire.  If you hear the sound of the buzzers, please leave the building along the shortest escape route. As long as the buzzers are on, you cannot return to the building unless it is expressly permitted by our personnel. All fire alarms must be taken seriously without consideration or delay.
Closed-circuit video system with nearly 250 cameras and remarkable image processing capacity are operated in the building. The cameras continuously record traffic in the building. Our principal goal is to ensure property safety and control traffic in the buildings. This system also controls the proper use of the access control system. The recordings are destroyed after three days. The recordings are processed according to the principles laid down in our privacy policy, and are only used for purposes of legal procedures.
The building has a smart card access system, which works with UNIPASS cards issued by the University of Debrecen. Probably, the most important rule is the one based on the logic of the system: after entering any zone it needs to be exited before allowing the cardholder to enter the same zone repeatedly. Therefore, you must have your card read when entering or exiting any building that is equipped with a card reader.  It is necessary even when several people intend to cross a checkpoint concurrently, and the door is still open.  Otherwise, you will not be able to enter the building again. The terminal indicates successful card reading with a beep. Drilling holes in the card is prohibited; if you need to attach it, a storage case may be purchased at the Reception.
From September of 2023 the residents of Campus Hotel can use the buildings main entrances at any time of the day, while the side doors will return to their original role as emergency exits, so the residents’ access cards won’t open them by default.
In case of emergency, the system will automatically unlock all of the doors. In case of technical failure, emergency opening can be effectuated by pressing the green unit next to the doors. Concurrently with the emergency opening, an alert is sent to the Reception. Pressing the mentioned emergency opener unit unjustified entails a compensation fee of 10.000.- HUF each time.
Our personnel will continuously monitor authorization to pass the access control system. Students may also be asked to identify themselves. Under the agreement, our personnel are entitled to ask for personal ID cards. Please do not take it as harassment, but as an action for your own safety.
Any deliberately fraudulent use of the access control system is an offense, which is a violation of the In-House Rules.
Regulation on the reception of guests. Very important! The general order of the reception of guests is always in accordance with the house rules issued by the University of Debrecen Dormitory Directorate, as well as with the Rector's Instructions issued in different situations!
In general. Dormitory residents may receive guests visiting from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. A visitor may only enter the Dormitory if the host student is present at the time of the visit, and appears at the Reception when notified; the host student signs a document to take responsibility for the visitor. If the visitor does not leave the building by 23.15 or does not indicate his/her intention to stay until 22.00, he/she will have to pay double the fee that is 6.000 HUF. If any of the residents receive any guests without informing the reception and completing the prescribed administration will have to be charged 10.000.- HUF for violating the House Rules of receiving guests.
The visitor is required to submit a student card, a personal ID card or any photo identity card, or a valid entry permit to the Dormitory. In exchange, the employee of the operator of the Dormitory will provide the visitor with a smart card.(Any person without the above-mentioned documents may stay only at the Reception with the host student.)You must turn in the access card when leaving the building! If the visitor fails to turn in his or her electronic access card, the host or the visitor is obliged to pay its cost price (HUF 2.500) to the operator of the Dormitory. If the visitor's electronic access card has been lost, the host or the visitor is obliged to pay its cost price (HUF 2.500) to the operator of the Dormitory.
In exchange for a fee of 3.000 HUF/night + 400 HUF tourism tax as specified in the associated public notice, students are entitled to receive visitors occupying vacancies for nights when their roommate(s) are out. This is subject to the written agreement of the roommate(s) concerned. In case a student has the approval of the roommate(s), such intention of sleeping in the room should be indicated at the Reception until 10 p.m., the specified fee shall be paid, and the needed administration shall be completed as well. Naturally, in case of single rooms, asking for permission is pointless. It is important to note that this is only a possibility. If the roommates refuse their consent, no visitor is allowed to stay in the room overnight. For any unexpected visitor, the approval of the University's representative (e.g. senior) is required. Students can receive guests at another student's accommodation for not more than three consecutive nights. The number of guests received at the same time may not exceed the number of places available in the room. The host student is required to assume full-scale financial and moral liability for the acts of the guest. Recently, this rule has been abused on several occasions, when the permit included a signature other than that of the roommate’s. Please note that this is considered private document forgery, which is a disciplinary offense! In case such event is disclosed to us, disciplinary actions are initiated automatically.
The fee of nightly guests have to be paid to the representative of the University, the dormitory coordinator.
The service hours of Reception in Building B have changed. Usually the Reception is open from Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.  Outside these hours, and at the weekends Reception B is closed. Any other service hours will be published as notice. Closing the Reception does not disrupt the residents’ activities, as they are free to enter or exit the building using their cards. When the Reception is closed, visitors can be registered at Reception A. We apologize for any inconvenience.  Please continue to adhere to the rules of receiving guests! The buildings can accommodate up to 30% of the total capacity. Once this number of visitors has been reached in a given building, new visitors may only be admitted on a first-come, first-served basis.
Master key system, do-not-duplicate keys. When designing the locking system, priority has been given to safety. The locks are operated in a main and master key system.  These keys cannot be duplicated. In residential units with the kitchen or the sanitary facility shared by two rooms, the key to the entrance also fits the door of the hallway. Each resident has one key. Should the key become lost, the lock barrel needs to be replaced. In this case, the negligent resident has to cover the cost of lock barrel replacement. Where there is a shared area between the rooms, two lock barrels need to be replaced, so the amount of compensation is doubled.
Internet use. Each room has as many Internet connection points as the number of inhabitants in the room.  In order to use the service, you must register electronically at This address may only be accessed through the internal university network, but not externally. To fill in the “e-form” you need to enter the physical address of your network card and the number of the connector socket in the room. By filling in the registration form, you accept the DISZK Internet use rules, as well. The rules are available in print at the Receptions, or electronically by clicking on the link. To register, you will definitely need the university network ID and the associated password. Computers and cables are not provided for use with the network, and therefore you need to arrange for them yourself. Errors in the IT system can also be reported through this website. Error reports are only accepted when submitted by registered users. The Internet is not available without registration (changed compared to previous years).
According to the current regulation of the university’s service provider, no Wi-Fi router may be used. The operation of such devices is usually not guaranteed.
Open Wi-Fi access points are available all around in Building A, and Building B.
Cable TV service. All rooms have a TV connection. As a standard, only the TV package provided by the University can be received free of charge at the TV endpoint. The package cannot be changed.
TV sets. Campus Hotel provides a television set for each residential unit. No additional payment is due for this service. In case your own TV set is used, paying a separate monthly fee may be required to cover the costs of operation (see the related notice). Although the sets were adjusted several times during the summer, you may find that these were also tuned by the guests, so after moving in, it is advisable to re-tune the sets (especially if you do not find certain channels on your TV set). Please ask for assistance at the Reception if necessary.
Laundry service. Each person with at least one-day dormitory membership at the Campus Hotel per month may wash and dry two load of laundry (4.5–6.5 kg) free of charges at the Campus Laundry. The laundry is located on the 1st floor of Building B. The detergent and other additives are provided by the Campus Hotel without extra charge; using your own detergent is not allowed (PROHIBITED!) The self-service laundry has 5 washers and 4 dryers, and is open from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. time after booking. During the open hours of Reception B the keys to the laundry and the machines can be picked up there. When Reception B is closed (typically at weekends), the keys can be picked up at Reception A.  A student may keep the keys for no longer than the longest washing cycle. In case such period is significantly exceeded, it is assumed that additional washes were loaded, which must be paid for. The same applies for drying services, as well. Washing and drying will be handled separately, so they need not be performed at the same time. The keys may be provided by the receptionist at 8 p.m. the latest, so that any washing or drying can be finished until 11 p.m. The washing fee is 850 HUF / occasion and the drying fee is 850 HUF / occasion. Important! Unused washing and drying occasions issued for a given month may only be used until the end of the issued month. Transfering free loads of washing or drying between residents is only feasible in presence of the resident who has the free occasion on their name because they have to sign the key registry form. From 2024 September coin operated washing-machines and dryers will also be available. The coins are placed on the Reception (just as the keys). The loss of washing- or drying coins entails 1.000.-HUF compensation fee (either bought, or monthly free coins). In the laundry facility, there is also a room for ironing, which is available free of charges, without limitation (the iron and the ironing board is provided by the Campus Hotel). In case of any damage arises during the ironing process (for example: burning or scratching the iron) the resident may be liable for conpensation.
You can book a date and time for using the services of the laundry facility at the following phone number: 71500. Please adhere to the booked dates and times. In case you are over 5 minutes late after the booked time, we reserve the right to offer your reservation to another person. If you want to know the fees of additional washing and drying, please call Reception B.
Dormitory fee: payable via the Neptune system directly to the University of Debrecen. You will be informed of the form of payment method from the University’s representatives.
Phone calls. All rooms are equipped with telephones. These appliances are available for calling all numbers within the telephone network covering the institutions of higher education in Debrecen, free of charges. No outgoing calls may be initiated by students. The central telephone number of Campus Hotel: (52) 529-100. The extension number of each room is determined by means of the following formula: Building A: 71000 + the room number (e.g. Room A145: 71000 + 145 = 71145); Building B: 71500 + the room number (e.g. Room B116: 71500 + 113 = 71613). The two most important phone numbers: Reception of Building A: 71000, Reception of Building B: 71500.
Temperature control in the rooms of Building A. The air-conditioned rooms are cooled and heated by fan-coil units. The same unit provides cooling in “summer mode” and heating in “winter mode”. There is a temperature control unit (a white square box with a small black switch in the left upper corner, and a disc that can be turned in + and - directions) installed next to the entrance door. Cooling or heating can be activated by pressing the black switch (the green LED lights). If you do not like the centrally set temperature, the temperature of the room may be adjusted by +/-3 Celsius degrees. Therefore, if the temperature is too hot for you, turn the disc in - direction, and if it is too cold for you, turn the disc in + direction. Due to energy saving reasons, the equipment does not operate when the windows are open! Usually from mid-September to mid-October there is no cooling or heating in the rooms. This period is for switching to heating mode, and this is when maintenance work is carried out, as well.
Shared kitchens. After cooking and dining, please leave the kitchen in the same conditions as found. Keep the kitchen clean. Authorities require us to remove unwashed dishes, so please wash all pots and utensils after cooking and eating. Each kitchen is equipped with toasters, sandwich makers and kettles. Please take good care of the appliances, as any misused devices (e.g. scratched sandwich maker) will only be replaced in February.
Do not leave food unattended on or in the stove; when leaving, make sure that power supply to all appliances has been turned off!  All food stored in the refrigerators in the kitchens must be labeled with your name and date. In case such a label is missing, we are required by public health requirements to destroy such food! The same applies for food obviously unfit for consumption. Containers are available for collecting used cooking oil. Please empty used cooking oil in these containers!
Use of garbage chutes +. The garbage chute or garbage storage systems are located at the two ends of each floor. These are clearly marked. All residents are requested to place their garbage in trash bags, and regularly dispose of the bags in the garbage chute system. It is strictly forbidden to empty burning or smoldering matches or cigarette butts, as it may cause fire. It’s a courtesy to other students if you keep the door to the garbage chute closed, as noise can be largely reduced and the smell of garbage is kept away from the neighbouring sections of the corridor. The recycling spot is located about 50 m from Reception B, in the direction of the building of the Faculty of Law. Glass waste can be disposed of in the special containers located in the garbage storage rooms on level “0” of the Campus Hotel. Environmentally conscious students are requested to regularly (at least once a month) take garbage separated for recycling to the above mentioned places.
Cleaning service (modified!!!). The staff only cleans the shared areas – and not the private rooms – on a daily basis. It is basically the responsibility of the residents. Regular cleaning (see In-House Rules) and garbage removal are required.
Bedsheets in student units are changed every second week. The bathroom-toilet units are cleaned every three weeks. The cleaning and housekeeper tasks are performed from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on the days published in our official notice. We are aware that it is not an easy task to follow all dates, but everyone is requested to pay attention to the modified schedule!
At the time of cleaning, the staff will check the condition of the room. If it is not in the condition expected, the residents of the room are notified in writing.
Very important: cleaning and bedsheet change can only be carried out effectively if the bathroom is in order, the bed is cleared off any items, and garbage is removed. Otherwise, cleaning services will not be performed. Annual clean-up starts in January, affecting the residential units, as well. During the annual clean-up the residential units are cleaned “from head to toe”.
Since sanitary units are cleaned every three weeks, it is our explicit request NOT TO CLEAN the chrome surfaces between two cleanings (while other surfaces can and need to be cleaned!) A large number of actions for damages have resulted from inappropriate cleaning. Such surfaces are very sensitive to certain chemicals. However, if descaling every three weeks is not enough for you, please observe the following bunch of good advice:
  • avoid cleaning chrome surfaces with cleaning agents or WC cleaners containing chlorine (Hypo, Domestos, etc.), use cleaning agents containing phosphorus, lemon, fruit acids, or vinegar instead. These will remove chalk and do not damage the faucets. (Private label products of chain stores are not recommended, as they have not met the expected results, and even caused damage!) Chemicals containing chlorine causes green discolouration – this is the way it can be recognized.
  • after cleaning with chemicals, rinse the chrome surfaces thoroughly, and then wipe them dry. Even the best cleaners can cause damage if left on the chrome surface for a period longer than one hour.
  • it is prohibited to use chemicals on hot surfaces, and/or with hot water. This type of error can cause the dark brownish-black or rainbow discolouration of the surfaces.
Damage caused by improper cleaning must be reimbursed by the residents of the room. Therefore, if there’s anything you’re not sure about, please contact the staff of the Building Management.
Repairs. Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.  Defects, or failures need to be recorded in the logbook of service demands that is available at the Reception; our service providers will aspire to rectify any problem as soon as possible.
Who will help you? Your helpers include, in particular the receptionists. The Student Office is located in Room 148 of Building B; coordinator Edit Nagy can be contacted here – she is the contact person between the university and the Campus Hotel. If you are lost among the myriads of rules and tasks, our colleagues will be pleased to answer your questions.
Use of sports fields. All residents of the Campus Hotel may use the sports fields free of charges. The key to the sports field can be picked up at the Reception of Building A. Also, this is the place where you can “pre-register” for sports events (reservation of sports fields). Based on experience from previous years, the use of the sports fields is limited to the period from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Use of the bicycle storage. If you wish to store your bicycle or electric scooter, it is possible in one of the garages – it is forbidden to store bicycles or electric scooters in the rooms or halls (inside the building). Only registered users can pick up the keys to the storage and place their bicycles there.  Room 148 of Building B is assigned for such registration. It takes only a few minutes, and the effort is worth it! We may not be held liable for bicycles stored in the bicycle storage outside the building. Unfortunately, as it has been demonstrated by video recordings, even the best and most expensive locks can be opened by a professional thief within 6 seconds. However, everyone is requested not to lock his/her bicycle to various other objects (railings, stairs, etc.).
Restriction on opening the windows. For security reasons, the windows of rooms on the ground floor, as well as the windows of upper rooms equipped with sills may only be tilted.  On the request of the community, such restriction may be lifted on all floors following safety education and drawing up the relating protocols. Any windows left open tilted on floor “0” and the ground floor pose a security risk. In this way the room can be accessed from outside through the window. Since such case is legally considered sneak entry, not house-breaking, our (as all other) insurance company will not cover any resulting damage. Therefore, anyone requesting the lifting of restriction on opening windows, please consider, that following an intruder’s visit, he/she will not only be liable for damage caused to his/her own belongings, but for any furniture and equipment provided by UD Hotels Kft. and included in the room inventory form. With issues related to lifting the restriction on the opening of windows, please contact the Building Management.
Other regular issues:
In the rooms of Building B equipped with individual kitchenette and mobile cooktops, it has been a problem in recent years that food residues burnt on the cooktops and left uncleaned for months could only be removed with the paint or finish coming off, as well.  In such cases the students were requested to reimburse the inventory value of the appliance. We continue to hold the position that the condition of a cooktop may be preserved by cleaning up any splashed food residues regularly, right after cooking.
It has been noticed that cleaning the bathroom floor tiles is not an easy task. Since the standards require this surface to be non-slip, it is also “rough” and porous. Therefore, dirt tends to stick to the surface. The only remedy is to wash the floor with detergent and water at least once a week (twice is even better). In case such cleaning is neglected, the surface will become overly dirty and may be cleaned only with industrial cleaning methods.
Traffic rules: The University of Debrecen is responsible for the regulation of access and parking. Accordingly, from 1 September 2021, only students and employees with a parking permit will be able to enter the campus from any direction! It does not open the barrier, so the visitor's guest card does not entitle the holder to free exit. In other cases, you can enter the car park by purchasing a parking ticket (from the machine on the left), so you will have to pay a fee to exit! Therefore, if a visitor arrives with a car and wishes to park free of charge, he/she must use the parking spaces outside the area.  Please note: accepting the terms and conditions will not mean that a parking spot is provided!
If you enter through the gate from Zákány Street or Laktanya Street, parking for the first 30 minutes is free, but after that period you need to pay for parking.
Maintenance. In the building of Campus Hotel modern building surveillance and security systems are installed. According to legislation, these systems must be serviced periodically, or as reasonably required. We are unable to schedule a date for maintenance. During these periods the subcontractors are allowed to visit your residence units without prior notice, in order to perform the scheduled maintenance operations. You will be notified of the dates prior to starting maintenance.
Building Management is located in Office B109 (attention: it is not a room number!), which can be easily accessed on the first floor of Building B, opposite the glass door. Telephone number: 71900.
Displaying posters in shared areas. Ads may only be posted on the bulletin boards. The size of the posters may not exceed the size of a A/4 sheet. The posters placed must be approved by the colleagues of Building Management. The approval can be obtained automatically in the event the notice is free from religious or political contents, and is not against correct taste. The maximum posting period is 2 weeks.
Distributing flyers in corridors or rooms is prohibited. They can only be placed in the lobbies of the buildings.
Business activities. Performing business activities in rooms of the Campus Hotel area is discouraged.  Measures will be taken in case of detecting any business activities performed by the residents. The reason for this rule is that certain business activities in the building are covered by exclusive contacts. On the other hand, such business activities usually disturb others. If you wish to start a business in the building, in certain cases we can provide you with the necessary infrastructure for a charge. Please contact Building Management or the Reception.
Regulations on pets at the premises of the Dormitory are included in the In-House Rules.  Exceptions are only granted in special and duly justified cases. The request must be submitted in Office 110 in Building B, in writing, with explanation, and any supporting documents must be attached.
Check-out, check-in and moving between rooms. The dates are available on the website of the Campus Hotel (, at menu “Student Life”, sub-menu “Date reservation“. Please choose a date here after registration.
We hope that the above information covers the most important issues. The Campus Hotel staff wishes you pleasant and meaningful time during your stay at the Campus Hotel!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           UD Hotels Nonprofit Kft.
© 2025 All rights reserved! Operating company: UD Hotels Kft. Kassai Street 26. Debrecen H-4028